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Can Cats Get Colds and Flu? How to manage?

Can Cats Get Colds and Flu? How to manage?

“The cat does not offer services. The cat offers itself. Of course, he wants care and shelter. You don’t buy love for nothing” – William S Burroughs

During the flu or cold season, we work so hard to keep ourselves free from illness. After all, nobody likes the feeling of being under the weather.

But what about our pet cats? Do you often wonder – can cats get colds or flu? Or Can cats get the flu from humans?

Let’s find out!!!

I adopted my cat (Coco) when he was just 1.5 months old. It has been 7 years now and he has been the best thing that happened to me.

While this journey of 7 years has been amazing, there have been times when I have literally freaked out when he sneezed or not played at all or acted weird or grumpy (by that I mean extra grumpy).

With all this, I learned one important thing that cats are very good at hiding their pain making it even more difficult for the cat owners to identify any early symptoms.

Having said that, you can still figure out if there is something wrong with your cat. Here are some tips that can help you understand and treat the problem really well.

Well, the answer to “do cats get colds and flu?” is Yes!

It is called cat flu i.e. Feline Viral Upper Respiratory Disease/Infection (URI) caused by a virus called Calicivirus and Herpes Virus.

It is a very common illness seen in cats, primarily, in kittens because they have a naive immune system or if they lived in close proximity to other cats like pet stores, breeding facilities, shelters, etc.

It is just like a normal cold that humans get. Now one might ask if your cats can get colds or flu from humans or wise versa.

Then, don’t worry, it is not contagious to humans and there are very few viruses that humans can get from cats. However, cats cold or flu can be passed on to other cats. Cats’ colds last for about seven to ten days and cat’s colds go away on their own.

It is generally harmless and not very serious. However, some upper respiratory diseases can be serious and may lead to pneumonia.

It is also important that you pay careful attention to the welfare of your cat and take it to the vet if there is no sign of improvement within 4 to 5 days.

That being said, even with treatment, the virus never fully leaves your cat’s body, causing the sickness to recur. I understand that you aren’t so sure how to proceed when your cats are stuck with the same plight.

I know it is concerning but don’t be afraid. I’ve got your back. This blog is to help you know exactly what to do when your cat falls sick or suffers from cat colds or flu:

Table of Content
What is URI?
What are the Cat cold symptoms?
When to seek Veterinary Care?
What Precautions to take?
How to take care of my cat?
How to help my cat gain back strength?
Can cat flu be prevented?
What is URI?

URI stands for Upper respiratory infections. These infections are caused by viruses like Calicivirus and Herpes, bacterias like Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, and Bordetella species.

The URI is pharynx and larynx and nasal infections.

There is no permanent cure for the URI.

Hence, the cats that recover from cat flu can incur colds again. This makes them a carrier too.

They are pretty much capable of shedding the virus into the environment, even if they do not look sick anymore. So, keep an eye out for recurring symptoms.

And we all know that it only takes one sick cat to spread the virus to other cats. So, if you are wondering if your indoor cats can get colds or flu too.

Then the answer is yes, it can easily be transmitted through a sneeze or saliva droplets, or eye discharge.

Your cat may become infected when it comes into close contact with infected cats or infectious particles that may cause the virus or bacteria to cause danger to older cats, kittens, and non-vaccinated cats.

It is therefore important to avoid any direct contact of your cat with any other sick cat.

What are the Cats cold symptoms?

If you see your cat displaying the following symptoms, then it is time to go to the vet:

  • Fever
  • Sniffle
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Lethargy
  • Dehydration
  • Runny nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Loss of appetite
  • Trouble breathing
  • Discharge from nose or eyes
  • Painful ulcers in the eyes, nose, or in the mouth
  • Congestion with open-mouth breathing
When to seek Veterinary Care?

URI treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

  • The first symptom to be identified is the sore-looking or partly closed eyes. The vet can prescribe cat cold antibiotics and fluids to prevent dehydration. 
  • You might also see ulcers in your cat’s mouth. In this scenario, the vet will take the sample from your cat’s mouth, throat, or nose to examine. The vet might prescribe antibacterial medications to avoid any complications. 
  • The vet might also prescribe oral-medications, eye-ointment, and medicine that can help your cat’s immune system to recoup from the sickness.
  • When the cat does not eat or drink, additional medications such as subcutaneous fluids, appetite stimulants, might be offered by the vet. If the condition is serious, the vet might even ask for the hospitalization of your cat. 
  • The vet might even give an injection to fight URI.
  • The easiest way to decide what care your cat wants is to contact your veterinarian. Based on your cat ‘s symptoms and general health, your veterinarian will decide if your cat needs to be treated immediately and whether your cat needs medicine.
What Precautions to take when your cats have the flu or cold?

As we know that URI is contagious, we need to take necessary precautions to prevent the disease:

  • Wash your hands regularly and frequently,
  • Sanitize the contaminated areas, i.e. Bedding, clothing, and towels,
  • Don’t forget to separate stations for food and water.
  • Keep your sick cat away from other healthy cats (especially kittens, nursing cats, old cats, or unvaccinated cats) 
How to take care of my cat from the cats’ colds? In case of congestion: 
  • Try to remove discharge from your cat’s eyes and nasal passage and try to keep them clear,
  • Use a clean cloth or some cotton wool soaked in lukewarm water to clean runny nose of your cat,
  • Humidify your home with a nasal decongestant or vaporizer,
  • Cleanse your cat’s watering eyes with saline solution with gauze, 
  • Make sure that your cat eats enough food and drinks lots of water.
If the cat is not eating: 

Due to the blockage of the nose and throat, your cat might be unable to smell its food and might not eat.

So, you might have to forcefully feed her.

In case, your cat resists eating, then you might have to get your cat admitted to the hospital as they can perform a variety of precautionary measures like fluid therapy, supplemental oxygen, or placing of a feeding tube.

If the cat has difficulty breathing: 

Carry out the steam inhalation treatments to ease this problem by keeping the room damp or turning up the heat in your room.

The best way to make it more effective is by keeping your cat in the cat carrier. Place a bowl of hot water in front of the carrier and cover the bowl and the carrier with a cloth.

Leave for around 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat two to three times a day.

How to help my cat gain back strength from cats flu?

To help your cat recover quickly, I would suggest the following things:

  • Ensure that your cat gets enough food and water. Illness can affect your cat ‘s throat and sense of smell. So, try to provide warm food which is easy to swallow. Such as warm chicken or fish.
  • Keep your cat warm and cozy by adding an extra blanket and covers to their bed or their favorite spot.
  • Use food that can help boost your cat’s immunity system. 
  • Never try to give any cat cold medicine over the counter or human cold medicines without discussing it with your vet.

Always seek advice from the vet before handling your pet. When your cat is stable and recovers from illness, just make sure the immune system remains strong by keeping it on a high-quality diet.

And needless to say shower them with lots of love, care, and attention.

Can cats flu and colds be prevented? 

You can prevent your cat from the cat flu by vaccinating her. So you can get your cat to have yearly vaccination from about nine weeks of age onwards.

The vaccination will immunize your cat. Hence, make sure you never miss it. However, the vaccine might not work if your cat already has the flu or cold.


In case, you seek any more health concerns about your cat, then make sure you reach out to your local vet.